C'era Una Volta

Le Prolunghe began its activity in September 1986. The activity, carried out on an artisanal level, was limited - at first - to the production of electrical extension cords only. Within a few years, the number of products made by Le Prolunghe (boards, coiled cables, cable reels, portable lamps, etc.) increased considerably, and for many of these the IMQ mark was applied for and obtained as a guarantee of the quality and safety of the products themselves. For the past decade or so, it has introduced a series of products called "Once Upon a Time" a revival of "old electrical systems." A peculiar characteristic of Le Prolunghe is to strongly believe in the ITALIAN PRODUCT; in fact, in recent years the company has continuously increased the range of its products totally made and packaged in Italy allowing a capillary control in the production stages to guarantee the quality of the product.

The electrical system in vintage style

With C'era Una Volta® you can make installations capable of creating new expressions of style in different types of environments: from the loft in the city to the modern wine bar, from the Renaissance villa to the symbolic places of Italian heritage. Thanks to the use of natural materials, the products are beautiful to look at and pleasant to touch.

With more than 2,000 items in the catalog, C'era Una Volta® always offers new ideas to architects, designers and planners, with attentive service and the reliability of a 100% Italian product

  1. €10.76pcs
    VAT included
  2. €97.60pcs
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  3. €77.30pcs
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  4. €52.31pcs
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  5. €42.94pcs
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  6. €18.30pcs
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  7. €14.05pcs
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  8. €14.84pcs
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  9. €14.90pcs
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  10. €4.22pcs
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  11. €19.52pcs
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  12. €20.69pcs
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  13. €20.69pcs
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  14. €20.69pcs
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  15. €19.04pcs
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  16. €16.79pcs
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  17. €19.52pcs
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  18. €14.90pcs
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  19. €25.77pcs
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  20. €24.99pcs
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  21. €28.11pcs
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  22. €28.89pcs
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  23. €13.27pcs
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  24. €29.67pcs
    VAT included
  25. €20.30pcs
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  26. €31.23pcs
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  27. €29.67pcs
    VAT included
  28. €359.17pcs
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  29. €206.91pcs
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  30. €288.90pcs
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  31. €186.61pcs
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  32. €206.91pcs
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  33. €5.23mt
    VAT included
  34. €129.61pcs
    VAT included
  35. €54.66pcs
    VAT included
  36. €5.93mt
    VAT included
  37. €154.60pcs
    VAT included
  38. €64.81pcs
    VAT included
  39. €4.22mt
    VAT included
  40. €105.41pcs
    VAT included
  41. €132.74pcs
    VAT included