3F Filippi

3F Filippi, acronym of Fluorescent Fixtures Filippi, represents one of the Italian excellences in the world in the field of lighting technology for assembly centers, factories and commercial production centers. 3F Filippi's products encompass the whole experience of the company that has always combined important features and only apparently in contrast with each other for the quality of its proposal such as tradition and modernity, use of advanced technologies and craft techniques, aesthetics and functionality but above all devoting a careful eye to consumption and ecology. On this page of Punto Luce you can browse different products including a wide selection of LED ceiling lights of different voltages and divided by the different sizes according to your needs. These include the products of the "Zero" range, perfect for large rooms with diffused lighting and the need for protection and simplified cleaning such as schools, stairwells and corridors. Not only: 3F Filippi also offers permanent emergency luminaires (also available in stainless steel). Or even devices for commercial LED lighting such as Cub, Linda and Filigare. On Punto Luce you can find a large catalog with 3F-Filippi products for sale at unmissable prices.

  1. €585.84pcs
    VAT included
  2. €95.65pcs
    VAT included
  3. €87.96pcs
    VAT included
  4. €187.88pcs
    VAT included
  5. €174.22pcs
    VAT included
  6. €135.79pcs
    VAT included
  7. €262.18pcs
    VAT included
  8. €103.33pcs
    VAT included
  9. €279.26pcs
    VAT included
  10. €117.85pcs
    VAT included
  11. €95.65pcs
    VAT included
  12. €79.42pcs
    VAT included
  13. €187.03pcs
    VAT included
  14. €67.47pcs
    VAT included
  15. €530.33pcs
    VAT included
  16. €491.90pcs
    VAT included
  17. €482.51pcs
    VAT included